Saturday, February 25, 2017

For all of you who live in the north valley, this has been a challenging few weeks. If you are not a north valley resident, I am referring to the Oroville Dam crisis, as well as our lakes, rivers, and streams that are flooding. Oroville residents especially have had their faith, their character, and their stamina sorely tested as they heard the news and acted upon the possibility of a catastrophic situation that required their immediate evacuation from their homes and city. Those at the foot of the dam and its low-lying properties downstream from the Feather River will be faced with uncertain circumstances for quite a while longer due to flooding, even if the dam’s spillways are properly repaired and work efficiently.
The Bible is not quiet on the subject of storms, floods, and catastrophic situations. We are told that no one will escape storms and trials in life, and if we are to survive them, be victorious in spite of them, then we need to put our trust in God. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said this: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
Jesus was using this story as a metaphor for your life, and it is Jesus who is The Rock that will save you from being destroyed in the tests and traumas, the storms, of your life. But please notice that he is also telling you that you have some responsibility. What is that?  You are to hear his words and put them into practice.  Read scripture, go to classes and bible studies that teach his words and explain what they mean, seek out mentors who will model a life that practices lives out- the words and teachings of Jesus. 
Psalm 42:1-2  “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God?”
God sent Jesus to us for this purpose:  to know him, to really know him, and seek out his presence.  Jesus came to restore and reconcile us to God, that we would have an intimate relationship with him. When he returned to heaven he sent his Holy Spirit to us so that we would not be alone, and would still be able to experience his presence.  It is in this presence of God that we experience  emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Describing when Jesus was on earth, the Bible often says, “and Heaven came near” as he walked among the people, teaching them, healing them, and restoring their lives.  If you want this kind of healing and peace, then you must seek the presence of God through the Holy Spirit, and “heaven will come near”. It is His presence within you where you will find salvation, healing, and peace.
Psalm 63:1 “ O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”
In these scriptures, David is seeking God’s presence. This is why God loved David’s heart so much; David yearned for God’s presence because he understood that in the presence of God he was always loved, healed, comforted, protected, provided for, and at peace, regardless of his situation.
Awhile back, Pastor Andrew taught a series of messages based on the Psalms. He encouraged each of us to “meditate on them day and night”, to inspire us to not only seek the presence of God in our own lives as David did, but to also put our response to our yearnings down on paper in the style of a psalm. I would like to pass that challenge on to you. For some it will come easier than to others, but just as everything else in your life, God will speak and minister to you in words and ways unique to you. Focus on the love and well-being you feel as you meditate on the scriptures. I think you will be surprised how it will flow from your heart to your paper. I’m going to leave you with one more scripture, and end with one of the “psalms” that I wrote.
John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Your Presence Is Life   (A Psalm of Sara, seeker of His presence.)
Your presence, God, is what I desire above all else,
For where You are there is peace.
Overwhelm me with your presence so that the chaos of darkness that surrounds my life
Is chased away and replaced with the calm Light of your presence.

It’s your presence, Lord, for which I hunger and thirst,
For where You are there is forgiveness.
My heart was heavy with the guilt of my sins,
But your love and mercy replaced my shame with a heart set free;
My dirty and stained garments You replaced with your white robe of righteousness.

Your presence, Lord, is what my heart longs for,
For where You are there is healing.
I was afflicted with respiratory invaders and could not get my breath,
But You, O Lord, breathed into me the cleansing breath of Your Spirit and healed me forever.
When my skin fell prey to murderous ultra violet rays,
Your Son spoke and made it as newborn skin.
When my bones rebelled against the alignment of your design,
You sent healing hands to put them aright.

You, O Lord, are why my heart sings:
When I am lonely, You surround me with your sweet presence, and I am lonely no more.
When I am sad, You make me smile and my grief runs away.
When I am afraid, You make me bold and victory is mine.
When I am confused, You give me wisdom and show me the way in which I should go.
When I am tempted, you replace my unsatisfying cravings with the fullness of You.

You are my provider; I have all that I need and more!
You are my protector; I dwell in safety!
You are my healer; I am blessed with health!
You are my peace; nothing can disturb me!
You are my joy; there is no sorrow in your presence!

Thank You, Lord, for these many blessings.
My heart sings, O Lord, for your steadfast love to me.
I am grateful, Lord, for your faithfulness; your promises are life to me.
I praise You, O Lord, for that which I have no words to describe.
Most of all, I love You Lord for the Wonder of Who You Are.

Overwhelm me with your presence, Lord.
Overtake my being and fill me to overflowing with You.
Overcome my frailties and replace them with the power of your Holy Spirit.

Overwhelm me with your presence, Lord.

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