Thursday, February 1, 2018

Isaiah 53:5       
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

               Message from our director of A Healing Place

        We have prayed for several people at A Healing Place who have in the past or are presently battling cancer. Several others who are unable to visit us physically because of geography or other limitations have asked us to pray for them on a regular basis. I want to mention these few who have sent their requests and updates to us.

Paul Blumert
Paul has very agressive cancer of the brain.

January 28 -- Paul was up early with terrible pain in the gall bladder area. He was taken to ER again where they did a hydascan, and then returned home. Paul’s liver levels elevated from 43 to 122 in a few days, which is what is probably causing the pain.  He's on pain meds.  

January 29 -- Praise the Lord -- Paul had a solid night sleep and no pain. He was able to go out for coffee with Alicia! They are planning to start Avastin next week -- very hard for them as they are really concerned about the reactions to the med.  

They are praising God for the good sleep and the pain subsiding!!  They thank you all for your prayers and that you care.

Niki Saccoccia

On Sunday Alan and I turned during the break to meet a couple Ken and Loren Tietz.  They are leaving this week (may have already) to fly to Virginia to be with their daughter who has a rare form of cancer that has metastasized.  I do not have  a lot of facts but she will be having surgery soon that Loren said is a lifesaving measure.  We prayed for them and ask for permission to share for prayer from all of you.  Her name is NIKI (McGarity) Saccoccia.

Joann Bradley’s daughter-in-law Marci
She has a very aggressive stage 4 cancer as I remember.  Joann moved to Chicago to help take care of their little baby who had just been born this past summer. 

Marci (has cancer) and Matt her husband grew up at Neighborhood.  I understand she will be going to Texas for some treatments soon.


I was going to set up a schedule for us to sign up for a day a month to pray for Paul and then Niki’s and Marci’s fight for life came to my attention.  Enough is enough!!  Please pray with me daily for these three young people and for the battle they (and their families) find themselves fighting.  It is time to war for their lives and for their healing!  I was praying yesterday morning and I felt like the Lord was saying “command the spirits of death and cancer to leave”.  The picture I saw was of little demons leaving.  I do not know why I never thought of it in a tangible way before but this time.  Yes I have prayed for more people than I could ever count with cancer and one of the first miracles we ever saw was of pancreatic cancer….way back before the church really prayed for healing.  But for some reason that picture made so much sense.

So speak to the cancer as if they are sitting right in front of you.  Command every cancer cell to die, command every demon of cancer to leave and every spirit of death to leave.  Break off every pronouncement of death and every negative prognosis.  Speak life over their bodies, over every organ that is infected, speak to the effects of the chemo or other treatment and call the body into proper order and alignment in spirit, soul, mind and body.  Well of course anything the Holy Spirit tells you to pray but please take some time every day (more often if they come to mind) to war for our friends.  We cannot allow this to take place under our watch and as we pray for them we will see breakthrough for others as well.

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