Wednesday, May 24, 2017

 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  -Romans 8:28

God Is Always Good     by Tami Hicks Marshburn

        My story begins in the Fall of 2015.  Our church staff was studying together the book “Always True” written by James Macdonald. It is about making a declaration of five truths about God over our lives. More about that later…
        During this season I began struggling with a swollen gland on my right side due to a sinus infection. This was not uncommon for me, but it seemed to be happening more often. On Dec. 15th, 2015, I went to the doctor to get medicine for my sinus infection. It healed, but then it reappeared again in Feb. 2016. I went to Immediate Care because this time the gland seemed different and was swollen to a much larger size than usual. The doctor there told me some people just experience larger glands.

        In March I returned to my regular doctor because my gland was still swollen. After hearing my story of my experience since I saw him in Dec., he referred me to an ear-nose-throat doctor, who ordered a sonogram. As a result, the doctor ordered a needle biopsy. That test led to the conclusion that I needed surgery to remove the lymph node. 

        Meanwhile, at my small group Bible study, we were all asked to pray about a word to focus on for the coming year. At that time my family and I were going through a very hard season. It seemed that we were being attacked from every side, and in addition to my medical issues, one of the big challenges was our financial situation. Other things more dear to my heart were happening too, and as I prayed for God to give me a word to focus on through the coming year, I heard the word HOPE. This word would become ever more important to me as time moved forward.

        On May 16, 2016 my whole lymph node was removed. It should have been the size of a pea, but instead it was as large as a whole walnut including its shell. After testing the gland, the doctor said that it had “a tendancy toward follicular lymphoma” (He was not an oncologist so he was not allowed to use the word cancer in his diagnosis.) Even though he couldn’t say it, it was determined that I did have cancer and it had been there for a while.

        I started seeing an oncologist who diagnosed me as having follicular lymphoma, one of the blood cancers. A CT scan showed it to be a Grade 3- the highest grade, and the PET scan showed that it was at Stage 2, which means it was on both sides of the neck and region above the chest.
        On June 27th, I began receiving three sessions of chemotherapy over 21 days.  Then on Oct. 17th, I began radiation treatments daily for months.

        Throughout this time, I didn’t feel the heavy blanket of depression. I didn’t usually dissolve into tears at the doctor appointments, but one day hit me particularly hard when I heard the words, “you will lose your hair, all of it.”  I didn’t immediately notice much loss, but one Saturday, a huge clump of my hair came out as I combed it. By Wednesday, my hair was falling out by handfuls. It was emotionally devastating. I knew I had to be done with this stage to get over it, so I asked my husband to shave my head. He was not emotionally prepared for this stage, or to do this for me. I took a pair of scissors and cut out a huge chunk of my hair right in front by my ear and told him that now he had to shave my head, so he did. I can’t tell you how freeing that was for me. No more hair to watch and feel come off into my hands. I felt so much freedom in that one act of power, of taking control, even if it was a very small thing.
        During the treatment period, the results of blood tests routinely taken to check for platelet counts and to see if there is a need for a transfusion always came back good. What a blessing! That certainly is not to be expected, at least not every time. I was so aware of God’s presence and healing throughout this journey. I mentioned earlier that many challenges were happening in my life during this time that would be enough to bring many people low without adding cancer to the list. But through it all, God worked miraculously in my life. We were without income during this battle, and yet finances poured in to cover all our needs. Whatever we needed, God provided: strength, wisdom, medical access, finances, a home, a working car, truly everything that we needed.

        I started this story by a book I was studying, and about choosing the word hope as a focus word when this journey began. I started there to show you that God always prepares the way for us. Little did I know back then that the word HOPE and the five truths talked about in the book would be a literal life line for me in the year to come, but God knew! He prepared the way for me by instilling hope deep within my heart before I understood how much I would need it, and by reminding me of five very important truths about himself and his love for me that would become my mantra to get me through otherwise dark days. Here are the five truths I declared over my life. I remembered them, I spoke them, I posted them, I looked at them on my phone while I was being treated, I buried them deep within my heart and believed them!

1.  God is always with me; I will not fear.  Dt. 3:18
2.  God is always in control; I will not doubt.  Proverbs 3:5-6
3.  God is always good; I will not despair.  Romans 8:28
4.  God is always watching; I will not falter.  I Co. 10:13
5.  God is always victorious;  I will not fail.  Isaiah 54:17

        While the medical community worked to fix my body the best they could with their knowledge and equipment, and for which I’m very grateful, it is God who is my Healer.  I trusted his love and faithfulness as I allowed him to minister to me through the hope that he gave me and these five declarations. Neither did I hide out at home. My spirit was encouraged and my body healed as I spent time with friends and family, my church family, and at A Healing Place. The love and energy of these people whom I love energized me.
        This testimony of this journey is not for myself, but to bring encouragement and healing to others. One other thing I declare and pass on to you is this: God didn’t give me cancer; God brought me through it!

        On May 16, 2017, exactly one year from when my lymph node was removed, I received the results of my final post treatment tests. Usually, even on good results there is something to see on the scans, but my scans were 100% clear, all the blood work was good and the numbers were normal. I have been completely healed by God.  To God be all glory and praise!

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